Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an un...
故事发生在三十年代的美国,随着经济和文化的蓬勃发展,一个名叫西力(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)的男人横空出现在了人们的面前。这个神奇的犹太人被发现混迹于各种各样相去甚远的交际圈里,不同阶级的,甚至是不同种族的,而每当他进入了一个新的环境中,他的身上就会迅速体现出这个环境的特征,有时是心理的同化,有时是生理的变异爱情就像一场赌博,赌注是青春,筹码是幸福。 曼哈顿医院的精神科医生们对...
Two naked survivalists are challenged to survive for 21 days in the Costa Rican rainforest, despite a deadly snake bite on a producer. Kim is paired with Shane. They encounter challenges including r...
In 1976, Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors...
人生就像一场马拉松,不在乎起点,只在乎过程和终点。After the abduction and assumed death of Mackenzie Allen Phillip's youngest daughter, Missy, Mack receives a letter and has the suspicion it's from God asking him to return to...
克洛伊(基拉·艾伦 Kiera Allen 饰)从一出生起就和母亲(莎拉·保罗森 Sarah Paulson 饰)过着相依为命的生活,在她们的世界里,父亲这一角色是从未存在过,也不可提及的。因为早产,克洛伊的健康面临着非常严重的打击,时时刻刻都在遭受着死亡的威胁,可即便如此,母亲也从未放弃过克洛伊,她凭借着自己坚强的力量将克洛伊抚养长大每个人心中都有一片海,需要自己去航行和探索。 克洛伊体弱...