Written by Guillaume Renusson and Clément Peny, the story (which won the Audience Award for Best Screenplay for a First Feature Film at Angers’ European First Film Festival) revolves around Samuel who...
A thrilling physical journey that allows an approach to the darkness, where it is scary to look. It appeals to the viewer's civil responsibility and forces them to face the limits of their own sol...
A thrilling physical journey that allows an approach to the darkness, where it is scary to look. It appeals to the viewer's civil responsibility and forces them to face the limits of their own sol...
阿尔贝·杜邦泰尔执导,并与维尔日妮·埃菲拉主演喜剧新片[拜拜笨蛋](Adieu des Cons,暂译)。一个身患绝症的理发师(埃菲拉将饰)决定去寻找她少女时期怀孕后放弃养育的孩子。她与一个厌倦了自杀的官僚(杜邦泰尔饰演)相遇后,官僚与一个失明的档案管理员一起加入了她的探索。本片将于6月开机人生就像一场旅行,不在乎目的地,只在乎沿途的风景和心情。...